Hello, I'm Ambrose Chua.
I build websites, run servers and occasionally play CTFs.
I'm passionate about building and deploying applications at scale. I love being a part of making the world a better place, no matter how big or small the impact.
I began building websites in 2012 (when web standards were still fragmented thanks to that one horrendous browser). I've worked on quite a few Node.js projects since 2013 and recently started picking up Go and Rust. I also love to run scalable and distributed systems hence I'm trying out Kubernetes.
I've also spent 7 years using Linux systems at home (having used a laptop, Raspberry Pi, custom built desktop, Xserve and now DL360 G7). My home network used to run pfSense, but now it runs dual-stack IPv6 and IPv4 on Alpine Linux and OpenWRT on a mix of consumer and small business equipment.
Cyber NSF
Singapore Armed Forces
Co-founder & Technical Advisor
Constant Bearing
Helped iterate on a prototype port call platform.
Building a new way to communicate with your friends and family by voice.
Software Engineering Intern
GovTech Singapore
Worked on a PoC for the traintraintrain project to improve it's security, wrote an API wrapper to translate Emails into API calls, and built a Kafka setup.
- Edison - Taking Flight @ Hackware v1.9
- Building high availability applications @ BuildingBloCS 2017
- Kubernetes on Container Linux @ Singapore Kubernetes User Group
- Managing services on one server with Portainer and Drone @ Docker Singapore
- Choosing the wrong footprint @ Hackware v4.3
- Linux Administration
- Computer Networking
- Network/Computer Security
- Server Hardware/Configuration
- Graphic Design
- Embedded Systems
- Distributed Systems
- Go
- ECMAScript/Node.js
- Sass
- Java
- Python
Picking Up
- Flutter
- Kubernetes
- Terraform
- Scala
- Rust
- Road Bike: Merida Scultra 901
- Camera: Nikon D610
- MacBook Pro 2016 13", iTerm, chunkwm
- Neovim, ZSH (dotfiles)
- Alpine, CoreOS, Ubuntu, Arch
- Docker, CoreDNS, Traefik, Let's Encrypt
- Figma, Krita, Inkscape
- N3050 box, HP DL360 G7 in 24U
- Quickfire TK
- KiCad, Yihua 936
Why @serverwentdown? Because a good cluster can tolerate node failures.
- 2015: NIC Face-Off | App Development, Champions
- 2015: Hackathon@SST, First Prize (Secondary)
- 2015: Hackathon@SG, Merit & Secondary School Prize
- 2016: Hack&Roll 2016, Best Freshman/Non-Tertiary Award
- 2017: CrossCTF 2017, 1st Runner-up
- 2018: CrossCTF 2018, Champion
- 2015: Asia Pacific ICT Alliance Awards, Merit (School Project)
- 2018: HITB GSEC 2018 .edu CTF, 1st Runner-up
- 2018: HITB SecConf2018 Dubai .pro CTF, 1st Runner-up
Notable Participations
- 2017: HITB GSEC CTF, On-site Participation
Major Projects
productionwentdown (2017-Present)
A collection of nicer Docker containers I use
AppVenture (2016-2017)
A website to showcase NUS High School's CS projects and curriculum. Worked on the entire stack.
commongoods (2015)
A platform for sharing unused goods. Worked on design and backend.
BuildingBloCS 2018 Website
From-scratch Sass and Jekyll-powered website
Some Side Projects
You can find more at my GitHub profile.
dns64 (2018-2019)
A CoreDNS plugin to provide DNS64
dri (2018)
A static Docker Distribution Registry viewer
file-manager (2016-2018)
A basic node.js file manager written in express.js
nviz (2017)
A real-time visualization tool to train neural networks
env (2018)
Fully Dockerised development environment
Youpp (2014)
A simple YouTube client
picobloggingsys (2012)
A minimal twitter-style microblog written in PHP